The visual effect that a custom-designed and handcrafted case has on the viewer will determine, before a single note is played, the quality of the music yet to be heard. Our organs are specifically designed to blend with their architectural surrounding. We use artistsʼ renderings and enhanced three-dimensional computer graphics to allow our clients to view our custom designs in a simulated church environment. Computer-aided design allows us to create a variety of perspective renderings and to transfer the final design directly into shop construction drawings.
When you are researching the pipe organ builder that is right for your church, remember that you are buying the skill of experienced craftsmen rather than just merchandise. To attain a high level of technology and quality, you must invest at a level that will allow the craftsmen the freedom to do their very best for you. This investment will return itself in many decades of reliable service to your congregation.
Tuning and Mainentance
Parsons is the premier tuning and technical service company in New York State. Our staff oversees the care of approximately 200 pipe organs on an annual basis. As an organbuilding firm, our service staff is equipped for every aspect of a thorough repair project, including: flue and reed voicing; woodworking and refinishing; electrical work and solid state troubleshooting; and the fabrication of custom components for any pipe organ.
We are often asked about the advantages of a Pipe Organ Tuning Contract. This agreement between our firm and your church benefits both parties. Some of these benefits are listed below.

Lower Rates
For onsite work, this lower service rate is valid for the term of the contract. Currently, prepaid contract customers receive a 10% labor discount.
Reduced travel expenses
We will pre-schedule you as a contract client when we plan a trip to your area. This means you save by sharing travel time and expenses with other clients on the itinerary.
No Surprises
Updates and status reports
We keep complete records; temperatures in the organ, the pitch of the organ; and any problems encountered during a tuning call. Good record keeping enables us to provide you with recommendations for proper care of the instrument. Our reports alert your staff to items in need of attention in order to preserve and prolong the life of the pipe organ.

As faithful stewards, we are each called upon to prayerfully consider the wisdom and investments of previous generations. Many of our new organ projects involve making use of existing instruments which have fallen into disrepair and are tonally ill-suited to the needs of a congregation. These types of projects, what we term “remanufacturing”, make productive and efficient use of the best of the old while building the new.
Disaster Restoration Services
In the event of a catastrophic disaster, we are certified and experienced in working together with your insurance company and committee members. We address all components of the pipe organ, both tonal and mechanical. Our firm has been licensed in fire and water damage restoration, odor removal, decontamination and disinfection. We are qualified to consult and provide you with a proposal and thorough evaluation for insurance in loss assessment and project management. Our years of experience in collaborative project management enable us to plan, control and execute your project to ensure the highest quality result achieved on time and within budget.
Our services include: consulting; evaluation of instrument integrity; loss assessment; proposal evaluation; top-to-bottom detailed restoration; pipework rescaling and revoicing; project management; which equals, a complete restoration services company.
To ensure success in each rebuilding project, we address all components of a pipe organ, both tonal and mechanical. The tools for accomplishing this include: the use of computer graphics; rescaling and revoicing of pipework; evaluation of structural integrity; and, consideration of all component materials for their longevity. Continuing education allows us to stay abreast of the latest materials and procedures essential for the maintenance and restoration of any style instrument

Woodlawn Chapel
Canandaigua, NY
1910 Hook & Hastings

Lyons, NY
C.E. Morey – Fire Restoration

Auburn, NY
1890 Carl Barckhoff – Historical Restoration

Console Updating
Parsons is the premier tuning and technical service company in New York State. Our staff oversees the care of approximately 200 pipe organs on an annual basis. As an organbuilding firm, our service staff is equipped for every aspect of a thorough repair project, including: flue and reed voicing; woodworking and refinishing; electrical work and solid state troubleshooting; and the fabrication of custom components for any pipe organ.
We are often asked about the advantages of a Pipe Organ Tuning Contract. This agreement between our firm and your church benefits both parties. Some of these benefits are listed below.
Helpful information
Organ features
If we were to focus on only one item that sets us apart from almost every other builder, it would be our voicing style. The ability to hold a pipe and observe its construction, evaluate its potential, and artistically alter its physical properties to create a harmonious sound capable of endless variations when combined with different pipes, is a rare talent.
The careful treatment of air – from the time it is first drawn into the blower impellers, travels unobstructed through carefully designed wind conduits, flows efficiently through pressure regulators, enters the wind chests, passes by felt and leather valves with minimal turbulence, and is directed to the pipes through properly sized channels and toe board opening – is a science in itself. It is the foundation upon which exceptional sound is created.
Our key actions are carefully executed using both mechanical (tracker) action designs and electric actuators on slider and tone channel wind chests. Wooden components ensure a quieter action – roller stock is made from carefully selected white oak, action parts are made of hornbeam using phenolic fiber sleeves for an absolute minimum of resistance, and trackers are made of western red cedar to provide a minimum of mass and a maximum strength-to-weight ratio.
We typically incorporate wind chests of slider and tone channel construction. This style chest is the oldest and is universally accepted as superior. It is technically demanding in both its design and construction. Properly sized pallets and key channels ensure a responsive key action, and a copious supply of wind for each pipe. A common wind channel allows the pipes to “communicate” when played together, thus stabilizing tuning and ensuring that all pipes receive wind at precisely the same time. Spring-loaded Delrin slider seals are always used in favor of foam or sponge materials. Sliders are made of tempered Duron for dimensional stability. Unit chests and small organs may be built in the electro-pneumatic or electro-mechanical tradition where preferred.
The interfaces of the player to the instrument is the console. Our designs are elegant and ergonomically efficient, with all functional components, stops and couplers located in logical placements. As in case design, consoles are built to be a lasting piece of furniture that complements its surroundings. Normal features include bone and ebony keyboards, combination actions with multiple levels of memory, balanced expression and crescendo shoes, an adjustable bench, and MIDI capability. Every detail from the indicator lights to the mirrors and key desk lighting is carefully executed.
The visual effect that a custom designed and handcrafted case has on the viewer will determine, before a single note is played, the quality of the music yet to be heard. Our organs are specifically designed to blend with their architectural surroundings. We use artist’s renderings as well as enhanced three-dimensional computer graphics to allow our clients to view our custom designs in a simulated church environment. Designing with computer allows us to create a variety of perspective renderings and to transfer the final design directly into shop construction drawings.
Our portfolio is evidence of our commitment to variety and versatility. It acts as a protective covering while serving to blend, focus and project the sound of the pipe organ. Our casework is built of the finest hardwoods and veneers using traditional joinery.
We believe superior customer service means doing what you say you will, when you say you will, how you say you will, at the price you promised.
Our staff is equipped for every aspect of a repair project, including: voicing; woodworking and refinishing; electrical repair, solid state troubleshooting and smoke, fire, water and dust damage restoration.
One of the things that make Parsons Pipe Organ Builders so special is that we work very closely with our clients. We believe that only this way we can truly deliver the desired results on our church pipe organs work.
Project Control
Our years of experience in collaborative project management enable us to plan, control and execute your project to ensure the highest quality result achieved on time and within budget.