We are pleased to announce that Parsons Pipe Organ Builders has been commissioned by Emanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church, New London, Wisconsin, to build a three-manual and pedal pipe organ consisting of 35 voices and 42 ranks. To facilitate Emanuel’s growing music program, the organ will contain two expressive divisions, (Swell and Choir), two complete manual principal choruses, two celestes and a hooded solo trumpet to be located under expression in the Choir division. The solo trumpet will be accessible independently from all divisions. The pipe organ will be situated in the reconfigured rear gallery and replaces a failing electronic organ. The organ is scheduled for delivery in June of 2025.
The pipe organ at Emanuel Lutheran represents one piece of a much larger project that involves the complete renovation of the sanctuary space and acoustics, reconfiguring the narthex, building a new east entryway and remodeling the youth areas including classrooms, student union and dining spaces.
Situated approximately116 miles north of Milwaukee and 40 miles due west of Green Bay, Emanuel Lutheran is a large, community oriented Lutheran congregation located in central Wisconsin. Established in1893 as a result of a merger between two existing Lutheran churches, Emanuel has been presenting the Word of God and ministering to the faithful for some 130 years. The current renovation of the campus facilities represents the ongoing commitment on the part of the congregation to ensure that Emanuel remains a strong, Christ centered presence in New London.
Scott R. Riedel and Associates serves as the consultant for both sanctuary acoustics and the pipe organ.